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Business Center


College of Arts & Sciences Business Center

361 Jacobs Science Building

Please see our directory for a full listing of staff.

What we do:

  • Human Resources
  • Payroll
  • Budgeting and Forecasting
  • Travel and Other Reimbursements
  • Financial Reporting
  • Faculty Distribution of Effort
  • Facilitate Faculty Effort Certification
  • Visa Processing for Employees and Visitors
  • Purchasing, including Procurement Cards
  • Student Payments & Scholarships
  • Check & Cash Deposits
  • Research Subject Payments
  • Miscellaneous - Other items with a financial component.
We use a ticketing system called Triage to manage requests and you will receive an email back from one of our staff that will help with your request.

The University has many contracted vendors for procurement & travel. By starting first with our unit we can help you to avoid significant delays in reimbursements and processing time by central administration. Please view our forms to begin!

All departmental and faculty folders for financial records and data can be found at the A&S Department and Programs SharePoint site

Thank you for letting the Arts & Sciences Business Center serve you!