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Adding Additional Members to a Resource Mailbox

Intended audience:
All users
Authenticated users (logged in)

As an owner of a resource mailbox, you may need to grant permissions to new people from time to time.  This is the way to add new members and/or owners to the mailbox.


Log in to UK Account Manager ( with your linkblue account.

Tutorial step

Under the Account Dashboard, click on the Lists & Groups tab.

Tutorial step

You will see all the groups you own listed on a menu to the left. Click on the group that you would like to change.

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Here you will see the current members of the email group listed. To add a new member, click on the plus sign.

To add an owner instead, click on the owner tab. Owners will have the right to grant other users permission to the mailbox while members will just be given access to the mailbox.

Tutorial step

Search for the person that you would like to add, click on their name to select them, and click add.

Tutorial step

To remove a person from the group, click on the red x next to their name.

Then confirm your choice.

Tutorial step
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