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The Hive: Podcast Production with Sam Burchett

The Hive is the College of Arts & Sciences' newly unified team of creative and technical services. This provides A&S with support for web and print media projects, public relations, and computing and informational services. This podcast features Sam Burchett, who works on podcasts and audio production projects for the College of Arts and Sciences.

This podcast was produced by Cheyenne Hohman.

Breathitt Undergraduate Lecture in the Humanities: Memory And Hapticity - Why Architecture Must Depend Upon The Common Senses

The 18th Annual Breathitt Undergraduate Lecture In The Humanities entitled, "Memory And Hapticity: Why Architecture Must Depend Upon the Common Senses" will be given by Architecture senior and A&S Hive student designer Ainsley Wagoner on January 26th at 7p.m. at the W.T. Young Auditorium. 

W.T. Young Auditorium

How to Download Photographs of You and Your Friends on the A&S Website!

Have you found an image on our website that you love, and must have a copy of?

Here is how you can download and print that photograph and then charish it for the rest of your life!



1. Go to Univerity of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences website home page at:

2. If you haven't already taken a look at our recent photographs, take a look by choosing the Photos option on our homepage.

3. After you have made a decision on any photographs that you would like to have, return to the A&S homepage to find the FLICKR button. This link will bring you to our photostream on flickr, called UK College of Arts & Sciences. Below is an image of where the flickr button is on our A&S website homepage.


4. When you have successfully surfed to our flickr website account, UK College of Arts & Sciences, find your desired image by searching through the photostream, or more efficiently by clicking on the sets link shown here...



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