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college of architecture

March 31-April 4 is BrAg Week at UK
It’s time to BrAg about agriculture and related fields. The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is hosting BrAg Week March 31-April 4, a campus event to raise awareness and to promote agriculture and the career opportunities available.

Breathitt Undergraduate Lecture in the Humanities: Memory And Hapticity - Why Architecture Must Depend Upon The Common Senses

The 18th Annual Breathitt Undergraduate Lecture In The Humanities entitled, "Memory And Hapticity: Why Architecture Must Depend Upon the Common Senses" will be given by Architecture senior and A&S Hive student designer Ainsley Wagoner on January 26th at 7p.m. at the W.T. Young Auditorium. 

W.T. Young Auditorium
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