Due to the pandemic the Staff Council was unable to host the 2019 Outstanding Staff Awards this past summer. Nonetheless, the Staff Council and the college still wish to identify and honor staff for their work from the 2019 calendar year. The 2019 Outstanding Staff Awards will take place via zoom on Friday April 23rd 2021 from 2-3 pm. Please note this is for the delayed 2019 Outstanding Staff Awards. The 2020 Outstanding Staff Awards will take place later this calendar year. Please register for the event via https://uky.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrc-2oqz4tGNHpKpYxtGfV-BlOdEr-0e51.
Completed nomination forms must be submitted by Friday April 2, 2021. Information on eligibility/criteria and the nomination form can be found here.
Please view the eligibilty requirements and award details here.
Please reach out to the Staff Council with any questions.