Richard LeComte
Richard LeComte grew up on Long Island and graduated from Wesleyan University with a degree in English. For three years, he worked at New Dramatists, a playwrights' service organization in New York. He then studied journalism at the University of Missouri and worked at newspapers in Missouri, Kansas (where he was arts editor of the Lawrence Journal-World), Florida and Nevada. More recently he worked in PR at the University of Alabama, where he earned a master's in library science. He now writes for the College of Arts & Sciences at UK. He has had a strong passion for the arts from a young age, particularly in theater, and has participated in theater groups and choral ensembles.
Ellen Riggle, professor and chair of the Department of Gender and Women's Studies and professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Kentucky, has been named a Fellow of the American Psychological Association. Read more here.