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WRD Student Writing Gallery

The Spring 2013 WRD Writing Gallery is a showcase of student writing at the University of Kentucky. This installation features texts created in Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Media courses during the past year. These texts include multimedia documentaries, photoessays, podcasts, websites, and other types of writing that students often create in their WRD classes.

Art and Epidemics: UKC 310 with Rita Basuray and Katherine Rogers-Carpenter

Creative expression and disease aren't two topics that are often juxtaposed, but UKC 310: Art and Epidemics, will explore five diseases from a creative and technical angle: tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer, alcoholism, and the plague - through a variety of creative lenses, including film, short fiction, poetry, and art. Rita Basuray and Katherine Rogers-Carpenter will co-teach the fall 2013 course, looking at the parallels between scientific and creative writing, and where these forms diverge. 

Writing Culture: English 205 in Costa Rica with Steve Alvarez

In May 2013, ten students will go to Costa Rica to do ethnographic writing for English 205: Advanced Composition. Steve Alvarez of WRD is taking the group to the town of Heredia for four weeks. The course meets the graduation requirement for writing, and will include service learning opportunities and plenty of cultural experiences. For more information about taking this class, please contact the instructor. 

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