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university of kentucky

PHI 120: Introductory Logic with Bob Sandmeyer

A course which treats argumentation, formal deductive and non-formal inductive logic. The course has a dual focus. First, students will learn how to construct and evaluate formal deductive arguments. Second, students will learn how to analyze and evaluate inductive arguments. The aim of the course is to inculcate standards of good reasoning, e.g., clarity, consistency and validity. Credit is not given to students who already have credit for PHI 320.

What's New in Science - Susan Barron

Drugs and the Brain Listening to the news, reading the newspapers, or talking to friends, we hear about drugs almost daily. This discussion will include some of the recent data about how the drugs that change the way we feel affect the brain. We will talk about why some drugs are so addictive relative to other drugs, why adolescence is such a vulnerable time for drug use and some novel approaches and medications that may have real potential for treating drug addiction and other brain disorders

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