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SharePoint - managing file/folder-level permissions

Intended audience:
All users
Authenticated users (logged in)

Click the drop-down arrow on the folder or file you want to modify permissions to, then click on "Manage Permissions"

Note: If you do not see this option then your account does not have sufficient permissions to make changes.

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Click "Stop Inheriting Permission" to give this file/folder unique permissions. Then click "OK"

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Check the checkbox next to the group/account to want to modify then click on "Edit User Permissions"

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Select permission levels

Read the description next to the permission levels for details, but in general, the most common are "Read" and "Contribute" permissions.

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You can always "reset" all unique permission within a file/folder by clicking "Inherit Permission"

Note: The yellow bar underneath the options ribbon gives details about the permission levels.

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