Priority registration
Priority registration for the 2014 Fall Semester and both 2014 Summer Sessions
Priority registration for the 2014 Fall Semester and both 2014 Summer Sessions
Monday through Saturday - Spring Vacation - Academic Holidays
Midterm of 2014 Spring Semester
Midterm grading window is open. The mid-term grading window will close at midnight on March 14.
Students are prohibited from changing academic majors
Last day to officially withdraw from the University or reduce course load and receive a 50 percent refund
Last day to drop a course without it appearing on the student’s transcript
Last day to change grading option (pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to credit)
Last day to add a class for the 2014 Spring Semester
Last day to officially withdraw from the University or reduce course load and receive an 80 percent refund