Keeneland Hall Lobby
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Joe Lewis and Lara Hillenberg
Joe Lewis and Lara Hillenberg are our Amaizing advisors for Wired! They will be here to answer any questions you have about schedules, classes, and forms.
Arts & Sciences Advising Center
311 Patterson Office Tower
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm
859-257-8712 (phone)
859-257-5459 (fax)
On-Call Advisor
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 1:00-4:00 PM, Fall and Spring Terms Only
311 Patterson Office Tower or call (859) 257-8712
If you are a student without an A&S advisor you are welcome to come to on-call hours. Our on-call hours are available for:
- A double major, but your primary major is in another college
- A dual degree, but your primary degree is in another college
- A prospective student not currently attending UK
- A current non-A&S major student inquiring about an A&S major
- A current A&S student who has been referred to on-call by their faculty advisor
Please note advising holds will not be lifted by the on-call advisor.
Event Series: