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T Kume

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Nakada, T. ., Kudo, T. ., Kume, T. ., Kusuhara, H. ., & Ito, K. . (2017). Quantitative analysis of elevation of serum creatinine via renal transporter inhibition by trimethoprim in healthy subjects using physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics. (Original work published 2017)
Cingöz, G. ., Özyurt, G. ., Uzun, H. ., Doruk, ÖG ., Kume, T. ., Dündar, B. ., & Çatlı, G. . (2021). High serum neurotensin level in obese adolescents is not associated with metabolic parameters, hyperphagia or food preference. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism : JPEM, 34(8), 971-978. (Original work published 2021)