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A Lawson

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Wei, W. ., Sun, Z. ., da Silveira, W. ., Yu, Z. ., Lawson, A. ., Hardiman, G. ., … Chung, D. . (2018). Semi-supervised identification of cancer subgroups using survival outcomes and overlapping grouping information. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 962280217752980. (Original work published 2018)
Ravitz, P. ., Watson, P. ., Lawson, A. ., Constantino, M. ., Bernecker, S. ., Park, J. ., & Swartz, H. . (1969). Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Scoping Review and Historical Perspective (1974-2017). Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 27(3), 165-180. (Original work published 1969)